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The latest volume in the series "Städtebau und Kommunikation von Planung", entitled "Die blau-grüne Stadt" has been published by BerlinUP Books

Die blau-grüne Stadt

Die blau-grüne Stadt

The edited volume by Felix Bentlin, Anke Schmidt, Angela Million and Carina Wagner is the eighth volume in the series, which has been published since 2017.

News from Dec 20, 2024

"Die blau-grüne Stadt" is about water and its significance for urbanised spaces through blue-green infrastructures (BGI). It presents the results of the winter school under the same heading, in which students, researchers and designers from various planning faculties in Germany spent a year exploring this fundamental topic. Concrete designs, as well as projects from research and practice, show how natural elements can be integrated into urban planning. 

"Die blau-grüne Stadt“  is available in open access via our Webshop and the repository DepositOnce (https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-20603). Additionally, a parallel print edition is available. 

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