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"Biomedizinische Technik" Volume 3: "Biomaterialien, medizinische Implantate, Tissue Engineering" published by BerlinUP Books

Biomedizinische Technik Band 3

Biomedizinische Technik Band 3

BerlinUP Books is pleased to announce the latest addition to its publishing programme: "Biomaterialien, medizinische Implantate, Tissue Engineering", the third volume of the multi-volume open access textbook "Biomedizinische Technik".

News from Dec 20, 2024

The book initially provides a basic understanding of the fundamental term biocompatibility and adresses all essential classes of materials with tissue contact. It then proceeds to examine implants and implantable systems for various fields of application in the human body. While these approaches typically aim only to restore the function of the damaged tissue or organ, the methods discussed in the final section on tissue engineering focus on creating fully functional tissue replacements.

"Biomaterialien, medizinische Implantate, Tissue Engineering“ is available in open access via our Webshop and the repository DepositOnce (https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-19792).

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