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Trilogy complete: With "Operate with Fungi", the third volume of the Fungi trilogy by Vera Meyer is published by BerlinUP

Operate with Fungi

Operate with Fungi

Following "Mind the Fungi" (2020) and "Engage with Fungi" (2022), "Operate with Fungi" is now the third volume in a trilogy initiated by Vera Meyer (TU Berlin), which focuses primarily on fungi and their influences and potential applications in science, society and art. 

News from Dec 11, 2024

Once again, stakeholders from the Berlin area worked together in different constellations to learn from the life of Funga, to be inspired by the possibilities of fungal biotechnology and, building on this, to jointly develop new fungal-based biomaterials that can form the basis for a circular and bio-based economy and architecture. The current anthology focusses primarily on how working with fungi can actually overcome divides and build strong connections. Between highly specialised scientific and artistic disciplines as well as between closed university laboratories and open social spaces.

"Operate with Fungi“  is available in open access via our Webshop and the repository DepositOnce (https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-21528). Additionally, a parallel print edition is available. 

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