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New edited volume published by BerlinUP Books: „Einrichten in der Normalität“

Einrichten in der Normalität

Einrichten in der Normalität

The book deals with the complex housing realities in the large housing estates of the post-war-period. It aims to question and challenge the negative perceptions of these housing estates. One illustrative case is that of the housing situation of young people in Neu-Hohenschönhausen.

News from Dec 10, 2024

The edited volume brings together various text and image formats from children and young people, academics from the fields of architecture, urban research, economics, education and social sciences, former residents of the housing estate as well as an illustrator and a photographer. The combination of research, personal accounts and visual and creative representations is intended to contribute the project-specific findings to a broad discussion about large housing estates.

„Einrichten in der Normalität – Wie Kinder und Jugendliche in Großwohnsiedlungen wohnen“ is available in open access via our Webshop and the repository DepositOnce (https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-21977). Additionally, a parallel print edition is available. 

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