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Tenth publication at BerlinUP Books: Impact Problems in Physics, Technology, and Medicine: Fundamentals and Applications

Impact Problems in Physics, Technology, and Medicine

Impact Problems in Physics, Technology, and Medicine

The monograph "Impact Problems in Physics, Technology, and Medicine: Fundamentals and Applications" is the tenth book to be published by BerlinUP!

News from Aug 28, 2024

The book is devoted to the mechanics of the collision of two macroscopic bodies. First, the fundamentals of contact mechanics (elasticity, adhesion, etc.) are presented and then applied to the collision problem. With the method of dimensionality reduction, a tool has been available for a few years which allows the very efficient analytical and numerical treatment of contact-impact problems. The book concludes with application cases from various fields.

„Impact Problems in Physics, Technology, and Medicine: Fundamentals and Applications“ is published exclusively online in Open Access. The publication can be accessed via our Webshop and the DepositOnce repository (https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-21100).

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