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AI guideline adopted for BerlinUP publications

On May 2, 2024, Berlin Universities Publishing released its Guideline for Dealing with Artificial Intelligence and a corresponding Handout for Citing AI Tools on the publisher's website.

News from May 02, 2024

The AI guideline provides our authors and editors with a rough overview of developments in the field of artificial intelligence and clarifies what influence these have on the scholarly publication process.

Based on international standards, the Guideline for Dealing with Artificial Intelligence defines clear rules of practice with regard to the authorship of AI-generated content, the necessary transparency in using AI tools in the publication process and the responsibility of authors for their submitted work.

In the accompanying Handout for Citing AI Tools, BerlinUP describes in detail which applications are considered AI tools and explains the different ways in which they should be handled. Specific details are provided on what information is relevant when citing and naming AI tools and what restrictions there are when dealing with the corresponding applications. Finally, the guideline provides examples of the citation of AI tools from widely used citation styles.

To the AI guideline

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