BerlinUP Journals A-Z
The first new journals at BerlinUP Journals have been published. Further journals are in preparation.
Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge (BB)
Since 1997, the Gesellschaft für Ethnographie, together with the Institut für Europäische Ethnologie at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, has been publishing the Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge. As an established journal, the Berliner Blätter offers a platform for current academic and sociopolitical debates in the German-speaking disciplines of (European) ethnology, cultural and social anthropology, and empirical cultural studies. It serves as a forum for ethnographically informed scholarly reflections and discussions on current theoretical, methodological, and sociopolitical issues. Thematically focused, the journal publishes lectures, ethnographic sketches, research results, essays, interviews, and conference reports.
Electronic Communications of the EASST (ECEASST)
ECEASST is a fully refereed journal and provides a forum for practitioners, educators and researchers for disseminating innovative research in the area of software and system technology. The scope of ECEASST is Software Science and Technology as in EASST (European Association of Software Science and Technology), which includes all aspects related to the systematic and rigorous engineering of software and systems. This journal is primarily a medium for publishing proceedings of conferences and workshops on EASST-related topics but shall also be opened up for special issues on specific topics.
Global Media Journal - German Edition (GMJ-DE)
The Global Media Journal – German Edition (GMJ-DE) has the aim of discussing theories, reporting empirical and analytical research, presenting critical discourses, applying theories to case studies and outlining innovative research methodologies in the field of media and communication studies.
In pursuing this aim, GMJ – DE encourages all high-quality, original research and analyses with a focus on inter- and transnational as well as inter- and transcultural communication processes in relation to Media Systems, Journalism, Migration & Diaspora, Development Communication, and other fields of communication and media studies from all established and emerging media and communication scholars in German-speaking countries and around the globe.
GMJ-DE is a part of the larger Global Media Journal network. Alongside the German Edition, there are several national or regional editions available.
Militär und Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift des Portals Militärgeschichte (MUG)
This journal has already been included in the publishing program and will soon be published by BerlinUP Journals.
Moderne Stadtgeschichte (MSG)
Moderne Stadtgeschichte (MSG) has been published twice a year since 1970 and is aimed at all those working in the field of German and international urban history or who are interested in its topics and problem areas.
The MSG is published in cooperation with the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Deutschen Institut für Urbanistik - Difu) and the Society for Urban History and Urbanization Research (Gesellschaft für Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung - GSU).
Open Gender Journal (OGJ)
Open Gender Journal publishes scholarly contributions from the scholarly field of intersectional gender studies. This encompasses various methodological and theoretical orientations, including but not limited to gender studies, queer studies, diversity studies, feminist studies, women's studies, disability studies, racism studies, classism studies, critical whiteness, post- and decolonial studies.
The February Journal (TFJ)
The February Journal is an independent interdisciplinary academic publication that is peer-reviewed and available in diamond open access. It presents empirical, theoretical, and speculative research that uses decentering, queer, feminist, decolonial, and autotheoretical methodologies to address urgent cultural, social, and political questions. The journal understands knowledge holistically and seeks to integrate artistic and activist work into academic practice. Open to professionals of all career levels, it puts special effort into helping less experienced authors publish their research. The journal also welcomes work in a variety of genres, celebrating innovative ways of presentation. It is a venue for scholars and students of humanities and social sciences, visual arts, and crossovers from the natural sciences.
Zeitschrift für Geographiedidaktik | Journal of Geography Education (ZGD)
The Journal of Geography Education (ZGD, Zeitschrift für Geographiedidaktik) publishes in English and German papers covering all fields of Geography Education. The journal looks back on a tradition of more than half of a century and is the only exclusively scientific journal in the German-speaking countries. Starting with 2019 (Vol. 47), ZGD became an open-access journal.